miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Música y videos - Beginners (Slow Club)

Cuando un actor interpreta a un personaje famoso, siempre es difícil salir de la piel prestada y encontrar nuevas almas postizas. En el caso de Daniel Radcliffe no será porque el chaval no lo intenta. Y con ganas.

Primero se dedicó al teatro. Luego ha hecho películas muy alejadas del género que le vio nacer. Y hace poco ha estrenado una pequeña serie de televisión basada en los relatos de Mikhail Bulgakov. Incluso les echó una mano el año pasado a los chicos de Slow Club con este video. E hizo un trabajo magnífico poniéndole cara a una canción triste y melancólica. Para momentos de bajón (sobre todo llevando esa camisa).

And in a moment it all came to this
The time it took for your muscles to grow and grip
Of all the things I’ve heard
Why’d it have to be these words?

And in a second I’ll be gone and you won’t have to think
I got enough to keep me going, keep me from the brink
As your bones grew
Why did you become you?
Become you?

Oh, I’ve told you, oh, to be older
You know I’m right
I’m right

You know these moments, they take years to pass
You gotta be coping, gotta be hoping the hands fly by fast
You call this true
Why did you become you?
Become you?

See the sun rise now, this has to end
Don’t let it be the one to walk us home again
And you know you haven’t got all the answers
If you did you would be screaming them out
And I know I haven’t got all the answers,
If I did I would be screaming them out, screaming them out

And in a moment it all came to this
The greatest book you ever read came from my favorites list
Of all the things to lose,
it’s you I choose.

Oh, I told you, oh, to be older,
You know I’m right
I’m right

Keep breathing, keep breathing
Find a scheme you believe in

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